Monday, March 2, 2009

Seedlings and Second Planting

This stretchy seedling is the bell pepper.
Today, I planted some more seeds. Some are from the packs I ordered from Seed Savers Exchange

Eggplant - Listada de Gandia
Brussels Sprouts - Long Island Improved
Tomato - Sweet Pea Currant
Tomato - Italian Heirloom
Tomato - Patio (seeds from the plants I bought at Whole Foods last year)
Bell Pepper - Seeds saved from bell pepper (from the farmer's market??) last year

A few months ago, another plant started growing with the Philodendron. Out of laziness, I never pulled it. Turns out, it's a tomato plant. I separated the two plants today. The tomato didn't have great roots, but hopefully it will do better under the grow light. We should have some great early tomatoes!

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