Monday, March 2, 2009

Mushroom Bourguignon

G cooks mostly from Alton Brown....and I cook mostly from

Here is the link for the recipe and even more delicious looking photos of Mushroom Bourguignon

Let me just say, this really was to die for. It was scrumptious!
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Yummy Chocolate Souffle

G made Chocolate souffle'. It was delicious, and apparently very easy, which means we may be having this often!
I think the recipe came from Alton Brown.
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Seedlings and Second Planting

This stretchy seedling is the bell pepper.
Today, I planted some more seeds. Some are from the packs I ordered from Seed Savers Exchange

Eggplant - Listada de Gandia
Brussels Sprouts - Long Island Improved
Tomato - Sweet Pea Currant
Tomato - Italian Heirloom
Tomato - Patio (seeds from the plants I bought at Whole Foods last year)
Bell Pepper - Seeds saved from bell pepper (from the farmer's market??) last year

A few months ago, another plant started growing with the Philodendron. Out of laziness, I never pulled it. Turns out, it's a tomato plant. I separated the two plants today. The tomato didn't have great roots, but hopefully it will do better under the grow light. We should have some great early tomatoes!

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Study in Repetition in Blue

A trip to Re-Store (Habitat for Humanity's take on Goodwill) is always a creative venture.
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2009 Moleskine

I finally decided to convert my bulky day planner to a sleek Moleskine. Another movement in downsizing. Ahhhh.
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2008 Garden Year in Review

I started going back through to organize my pictures and thought about the garden last year. Here are some of my favs from 2008. I learned a lot last year by just kind of sitting back and watching what the yard did since it was my first year in this house.
I'm very excited about 2009!
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First Seeds

These are my first seeds ever. Planted these on 16 Feb:
Bell Pepper - Mini Bell Mix

I picked these seed packets up from the local nursery.
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