Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Artisan Bread

Surfing the food blogs, I found a great new cookbook: Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day.

The bread is very good and takes very little work. Granted, you will have to wait for rise, chill, second rise and bake times, but once you know what to do and the impatience has worn off a little, it is actually pretty cool to make a couple of these. (If they only knew how easy it was!)
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1 comment:

-dhonea said...

woman, I didn't even know you could... well i knew you could leave comments but I never knew how to check them. I JUST found your comment, its from forever ago. I was going to say how you should post your awesome flower pictures, but I notice you already did. for July. I'm all behind. I want to be cool like you and update this blog better then I do. anyway hope this finds out sooner then your comment found me! :) cool blog, I love your foooood :)