Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Mid August Garden Update

The neighbor's peach tree is dripping with fruit. They aren't ready yet, and I am not sure when they will be, but these babies on my side of the fence are fair game!!!

They are apparently fair game for the squirrels and the ants, also. I found this large one in my front yard, half eaten by one of the squirrels, but it looks like it won't go to waste.

This rose bush on the terace bloomed last week or so. I think this is the last to bloom. Even these flowers are almost done.

I am just not too sure about the raspberries this year. M told my they would blom in June and again in August, I think. We may have cut the stalks too far back to get a good crop this year. But some sites say that Sept is the time, so maybe there is still hope.
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