Wednesday, April 23, 2008

WHAT are these??

I love to do these cutesy little sketches. I am not taking any criticism on the artwork, constructive OR mean. Compliments are always welcome. Thanks. -the Artist.

The first Daffodil bloomed today or yesterday.

The Crocus in the back bloomed, on the first terrace all the way to the left. I think they looked thirsty.

OK. I have a feeling this will happen quite a few times this first year, but WHAT the HECK are these thingies???!! They look like Brussels Sprouts. They are growing by the raspberries. Does anyone know? Are they edible? Do I put them in my salad? Or will they cause gastro-intestinal failure if eaten?

The tulips will be blooming soon!! They are my favorite!
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1 comment:

Happifungi: said...

I'll taste test those strange plants :)