Saturday, September 20, 2008

Roses & Aphids

So pruning actually works. After deadheading last week, I got a lot more healthy bloomws this week. The few days of rain last week also helped.

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Artisan Bread

Surfing the food blogs, I found a great new cookbook: Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day.

The bread is very good and takes very little work. Granted, you will have to wait for rise, chill, second rise and bake times, but once you know what to do and the impatience has worn off a little, it is actually pretty cool to make a couple of these. (If they only knew how easy it was!)
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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Early September Blooms

Finally, I have come across a garden blog, The Art Garden, which is in Colorado. So, many of the plant written about there, are plants I also have in my yard. Therefore, I am finding names for many of the plants in my yard. I have made some updates below. However, there are still a few I have to figure out.


Marigolds between the onions and scrawny tomato plants. I was surprised to see these, since I didn't plant them.

Russian Sage

Not Sure

Posted by PicasaVine on the west fence.

Pretty sure these are Brown Eyed Susans

Again, not sure.


I keep thinking that most of the blooms are done for the year, but then a whole new batch blooms.